Volatility is a model

Being unobservable, it cleaves to a subjective model

David Harper, CFA, FRM


November 12, 2023


Load packages


library(rugarch); library(broom)


Volatility as annualized standard deviation

Retrieve prices, calculate log returns and create all_returns_* dataframe

# symbols <- c("PG", "JPM", "NVDA")
# mult_stocks <- tq_get(symbols, get = "stock.prices", from = "2010-12-31", to = "2023-11-09")
# mult_stocks$symbol <- mult_stocks$symbol <- factor(mult_stocks$symbol, levels = c("PG", "JPM", "NVDA"))
# saveRDS(mult_stocks, "mult_stocks.rds")

mult_stocks <- readRDS("mult_stocks.rds")

# tq_mutate_fun_options() returns list of compatible mutate functions by pkg 

calculate_returns <- function(data, period) {
  data |>
    group_by(symbol) |>
    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,
                 mutate_fun = periodReturn, 
                 period = period, 
                 type = "log")

periods <- c("daily", "weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly")

# all_returns_daily <- calculate_returns(mult_stocks, "daily")
# all_returns_weekly <- calculate_returns(mult_stocks, "weekly")
# all_returns_monthly <- calculate_returns(mult_stocks, "monthly")
# all_returns_quarterly <- calculate_returns(mult_stocks, "quarterly")

all_returns <- set_names(periods) |> map(~ calculate_returns(mult_stocks, .x))
all_returns <- map(all_returns, ~ .x %>%
                                     group_by(symbol) %>%
                                     arrange(date) %>%  # Sort by date within each group
                                     slice(-1) %>%      # Remove the first row for each group

all_returns_daily     <- all_returns$daily
all_returns_weekly    <- all_returns$weekly
all_returns_quarterly <- all_returns$quarterly
all_returns_monthly   <- all_returns$monthly

Save to Excel (to manually check calcualtions). But after first time, eval = FALSE

write_xlsx(all_returns, path = "all_returns.xlsx")

# This assumes 'all_returns' is a named list of data frames
# and each data frame has a 'symbol' column for stock tickers

# Step 1: Split each data frame by 'symbol' and create a named list of data frames
all_returns_by_stock <- map(all_returns, function(df) {
  split(df, df$symbol)

# Step 2: Name each data frame according to the period and stock
all_returns_by_stock <- imap(all_returns_by_stock, function(df_list, period_name) {
  set_names(df_list, paste(period_name, names(df_list), sep = "_"))

# Flatten the list of lists into a single list of data frames
all_returns_by_stock_flat <- flatten(all_returns_by_stock)

# Step 3 and 4: Write the list of data frames to an Excel file
write_xlsx(all_returns_by_stock_flat, path = "all_returns_by_stock.xlsx")

Different frequencies but the same (four year) window

calc_rolling_sd <- function(data, return_col_name, window_width) {
  data |> 
        group_by(symbol) |> 
        mutate(rolling_sd = rollapply(get(return_col_name), 
                                      width = window_width, 
                                      FUN = sd, 
                                      align = "right", fill = NA)) |> 

#  Window lengths for each frequency (aka, periodicity)
W.daily     <- 250 * 4 
W.weekly    <- 52 * 4  
W.monthly   <- 12 * 4 
W.quarterly <- 4 * 4 

all_returns_daily <- calc_rolling_sd(all_returns_daily, "daily.returns", W.daily)
all_returns_weekly <- calc_rolling_sd(all_returns_weekly, "weekly.returns", W.weekly)
all_returns_monthly <- calc_rolling_sd(all_returns_monthly, "monthly.returns", W.monthly)
all_returns_quarterly <- calc_rolling_sd(all_returns_quarterly, "quarterly.returns", W.quarterly)

Still different frequencies (aka, periodicity) but annualized

# Function to calculate annualized volatility and add frequency
calc_annualized_vol <- function(df, sd_col, periods_per_year, freq_label) {
  df |> 
            annualized_vol = !!rlang::sym(sd_col) * sqrt(periods_per_year),
            frequency = freq_label

# Calculate annualized volatility for each dataframe EXCEPT Quarterly
all_returns_daily <- calc_annualized_vol(all_returns_daily, "rolling_sd", 252, "Daily")
all_returns_weekly <- calc_annualized_vol(all_returns_weekly, "rolling_sd", 52, "Weekly")
all_returns_monthly <- calc_annualized_vol(all_returns_monthly, "rolling_sd", 12, "Monthly")

# Combine the data frames into one
all_returns_combined <- bind_rows(all_returns_daily, all_returns_weekly, all_returns_monthly)
all_returns_combined <- all_returns_combined |> 
    mutate(frequency = factor(frequency, levels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly")))

# Plot the combined data with ggplot2

color_pg <- "chartreuse2" # don't end up using these
color_jpm <- "dodgerblue2"
color_nvda <- "coral1"

color_tenor1 <- "khaki3"
color_tenor2 <- "coral"
color_tenor3 <- "lightseagreen"
color_tenor4 <- "slateblue" 

custom_colors <- c("Daily" = color_tenor1, "Weekly" = color_tenor2, "Monthly" = color_tenor3)

all_returns_combined |> ggplot(aes(x = date, y = annualized_vol, 
                                   color = frequency, 
                                   group = interaction(symbol, frequency))) +
    geom_line() +
    labs(title = "Annualized Volatility by Frequency",
         x = "Date",
         y = "Annualized Volatility") +
    theme_minimal() +
    scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors) +

# mean annualized vol by symbol and frequency
all_returns_combined |> 
    group_by(symbol, frequency) |> 
    summarize(annualized_vol = mean(annualized_vol, na.rm = TRUE)) |> 
    pivot_wider(names_from = frequency, values_from = annualized_vol) |> 
# A tibble: 3 × 4
# Groups:   symbol [3]
  symbol Daily Weekly Monthly
  <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1 PG     0.176  0.164   0.147
2 JPM    0.265  0.255   0.239
3 NVDA   0.421  0.396   0.388

Different windows but same (DAILY) frequency

# colors from my var article
# col_ticker_fills <- c("PG" = "chartreuse2", "JPM" = "dodgerblue2", "NVDA" = "coral1")

windows <- c(20, 90, 250, 500)

# parse into per-ticker df and delete rolling_sd column from prior
pg_data   <- all_returns_daily |> filter(symbol == "PG")   |> select(!rolling_sd)
jpm_data  <- all_returns_daily |> filter(symbol == "JPM")  |> select(!rolling_sd)
nvda_data <- all_returns_daily |> filter(symbol == "NVDA") |> select(!rolling_sd)

# Specify your window sizes directly in the loop
for (w in windows) {
  pg_data <- pg_data |> 
      mutate(!!paste0("rolling_sd_", w) := rollapply(daily.returns, 
                                                     width = w, 
                                                     FUN = sd, 
                                                     align = "right", fill = NA))
  jpm_data <- jpm_data |> 
      mutate(!!paste0("rolling_sd_", w) := rollapply(daily.returns, 
                                                     width = w, 
                                                     FUN = sd, 
                                                     align = "right", fill = NA))
  nvda_data <- nvda_data |> 
      mutate(!!paste0("rolling_sd_", w) := rollapply(daily.returns, 
                                                     width = w, 
                                                     FUN = sd,
                                                     align = "right", fill = NA))

plot_rolling_sd <- function(data, stock_name, ylim, custom_colors, custom_alphas) {
    # Assume data has columns 'date', and rolling_sd_* where * is the window size
    rolling_sd_long <- data |> 
        pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("rolling_sd_"), names_to = "window", values_to = "rolling_sd")
    desired_order <- c("rolling_sd_20", "rolling_sd_90", "rolling_sd_250", "rolling_sd_500")
    rolling_sd_long$window <- factor(rolling_sd_long$window, levels = desired_order)
    ggplot(rolling_sd_long, aes(x = date, y = rolling_sd, color = window)) +
        geom_line(aes(alpha = window)) +
        scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors) +
        scale_alpha_manual(values = custom_alphas) + 
        labs(title = paste("Rolling Daily Vol (StdDev) for", stock_name),
             subtitle = paste("Different windows:", paste(windows, collapse = ", "), "days"),
             x = "Date",
             y = "Rolling Standard Deviation") + 
        theme_minimal() +
        coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
        theme(legend.position = "right")

# custom_colors <- c("rolling_sd_20" = "firebrick1", 
#                   "rolling_sd_90" = "royalblue", 
#                   "rolling_sd_250" = "springgreen4",
#                   "rolling_sd_500" = "darkorange")

custom_colors <- c("rolling_sd_20" = color_tenor1, 
                   "rolling_sd_90" = color_tenor2, 
                   "rolling_sd_250" = color_tenor3, 
                   "rolling_sd_500" = color_tenor4)

custom_alphas <- c("rolling_sd_20" = 0.5, 
                   "rolling_sd_90" = 0.7, 
                   "rolling_sd_250" = 1.0,
                   "rolling_sd_500" = 1.0)

pg_roll_plot <- plot_rolling_sd(pg_data, "PG", c(0, 0.0350), custom_colors, custom_alphas)
jpm_roll_plot <- plot_rolling_sd(jpm_data, "JPM", c(0, 0.0550), custom_colors, custom_alphas)
nvda_roll_plot <- plot_rolling_sd(nvda_data, "NVDA", c(0, 0.0750), custom_colors, custom_alphas)




# Function to summarize and extract the most recent rolling standard deviations

summarize_and_extract_recent_sd <- function(data) {
  summarized <- data %>%
      mean_sd_20 = mean(rolling_sd_20, na.rm = TRUE),
      mean_sd_90 = mean(rolling_sd_90, na.rm = TRUE),
      mean_sd_250 = mean(rolling_sd_250, na.rm = TRUE),
      mean_sd_500 = mean(rolling_sd_500, na.rm = TRUE)
  most_recent <- data %>%
    slice(n()) %>%
    select(rolling_sd_20, rolling_sd_90, rolling_sd_250, rolling_sd_500) %>%
    rename(recent_sd_20 = rolling_sd_20,
           recent_sd_90 = rolling_sd_90,
           recent_sd_250 = rolling_sd_250,
           recent_sd_500 = rolling_sd_500)
  bind_cols(summarized, most_recent)

# Apply the function to each data frame and bind rows into a single tibble
summary_tibble <- bind_rows(
  pg = summarize_and_extract_recent_sd(pg_data),
  jpm = summarize_and_extract_recent_sd(jpm_data),
  nvda = summarize_and_extract_recent_sd(nvda_data),
  .id = "stock"

summary_tibble |> 
    gt() |> 
        title = "Rolling daily volatility"
    ) |> 
        mean_sd_20 = "20",
        mean_sd_90 = "90",
        mean_sd_250 = "250",
        mean_sd_500 = "500",
        recent_sd_20 = "20",
        recent_sd_90 = "90",
        recent_sd_250 = "250",
        recent_sd_500 = "500"
    ) |> 
    fmt_percent(columns = 2:9, 
                rows = everything()) |> 
        label = "Mean",
        columns = 2:5
    ) |> 
        label = "Most recent (2023-11-08)",
        columns = 6:9
    ) |> 
        mean_sd_20 ~ px(80),
        recent_sd_20 ~ px(80)
    ) |> 
        columns = 6:9,
        rows = 3,
        method = "numeric",
        domain = c(0.02, 0.04),
        palette = c("lightcyan", "lightcyan3")
Rolling daily volatility
stock Mean Most recent (2023-11-08)
20 90 250 500 20 90 250 500
pg 0.98% 1.03% 1.07% 1.09% 0.96% 0.86% 0.93% 1.18%
jpm 1.53% 1.61% 1.66% 1.66% 1.26% 1.01% 1.36% 1.64%
nvda 2.54% 2.64% 2.66% 2.64% 2.76% 2.47% 3.25% 3.63%
# GPT wrote this routine to summarize!

summarize_rolling_sd <- function(data) {
  # Define the desired order for the window sizes
  window_order <- c("rolling_sd_20", "rolling_sd_90", "rolling_sd_250", "rolling_sd_500")
  summarized_data <- data %>% 
    summarize(across(starts_with("rolling_sd_"), mean, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "window", values_to = "rolling_sd") %>%
    mutate(window = factor(window, levels = window_order)) %>%

# Apply the summarize function to each stock and combine into a single tibble
all_summaries <- bind_rows(
  pg = summarize_rolling_sd(pg_data), 
  jpm = summarize_rolling_sd(jpm_data), 
  nvda = summarize_rolling_sd(nvda_data), 
  .id = "stock"

# Print the combined summarized data
# A tibble: 12 × 3
   stock window         rolling_sd
   <chr> <fct>               <dbl>
 1 pg    rolling_sd_20     0.00977
 2 pg    rolling_sd_90     0.0103 
 3 pg    rolling_sd_250    0.0107 
 4 pg    rolling_sd_500    0.0109 
 5 jpm   rolling_sd_20     0.0153 
 6 jpm   rolling_sd_90     0.0161 
 7 jpm   rolling_sd_250    0.0166 
 8 jpm   rolling_sd_500    0.0166 
 9 nvda  rolling_sd_20     0.0254 
10 nvda  rolling_sd_90     0.0264 
11 nvda  rolling_sd_250    0.0266 
12 nvda  rolling_sd_500    0.0264 

Exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)

# Function to calculate EWMA variance
calculate_ewma_variance <- function(returns, lambda, W) {
    ewma_var <- rep(NA, length(returns))
    ewma_var[W] <- var(returns[1:W])  # Initialize the first EWMA variance
    for (i in (W+1):length(returns)) {
        # Using the EWMA formula
        ewma_var[i] <- lambda * ewma_var[i-1] + (1 - lambda) * returns[i]^2

# Example lambda value
W       <- 250
lambda  <- 0.94

# Use rollapply with your custom EWMA function
# Assuming the 'returns' column in all_returns_daily is the daily return for each stock
all_returns_daily <- all_returns_daily |> 
    group_by(symbol) |> 
    mutate(ewma_variance = calculate_ewma_variance(daily.returns, lambda, W)) |> 

# Calculate the EWMA volatility from the EWMA variance
all_returns_daily <- all_returns_daily |>
    mutate(ewma_sd = sqrt(ewma_variance))

# Reshape the data to long format for ggplot2
all_returns_long <- all_returns_daily |> 
    pivot_longer(cols = c("rolling_sd", "ewma_sd"), 
                 names_to = "sd_type", 
                 values_to = "sd_value")

# Plot the data with ggplot2
custom_sd_colors <- c("rolling_sd" = color_tenor4, "ewma_sd" = color_tenor2)

all_returns_long |> ggplot (aes(x = date, y = sd_value, color = sd_type)) +
    geom_line(aes(alpha = sd_type)) + 
    scale_color_manual(values = custom_sd_colors) + 
    scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.5, 1.0)) +
    labs(title = "EWMA is much more reactive than unweighted StdDev",
         subtitle = "(rolling_sd window = 250 days * 4 years = 1000 days)",
         x = "Date",
         y = "Standard Deviation") +
    facet_wrap(~symbol) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.050)) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Let’s compare different lambda (aka, smoothing) parameters


plot_ewma_for_stock <- function(data, symbol, returns_col, lambda_list, 
                                custom_colors, custom_alphas, ylim) {

    # Function to calculate EWMA variance - make sure this is defined in your environment
    calculate_and_store_ewma <- function(data, symbol, returns_col, lambda_list) {

        for (lambda in lambda_list) {
            W = 250
            lambda <- lambda
            ewma_col_name <- paste0("lambda_", as.character(lambda))
            data <- data |> 
                    !!ewma_col_name := sqrt(calculate_ewma_variance(get(returns_col), lambda, W))
    # Calculate and store EWMA with multiple parameters for the specified stock
    stock_ewma <- calculate_and_store_ewma(data, symbol, returns_col, lambda_list)
    # Pivot the data to long format for plotting
    stock_ewma_long <- stock_ewma |> 
        pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("lambda"), names_to = "lambda", values_to = "ewma_sd")
    # Plot the EWMA standard deviations for different parameter sets
    gg <- ggplot(stock_ewma_long, aes(x = date, y = ewma_sd, color = lambda)) +
        geom_line(aes(alpha = lambda)) +
        scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors) +
        scale_alpha_manual(values = custom_alphas) +
        labs(title = paste("EWMA volatility for", symbol, "with Different Parameters"),
             x = "Date",
             y = "EWMA Standard Deviation") +
        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, ylim)) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = "right")


# Define the sets of parameters you want to compare
lambda_list <- c(0.91, 0.94, 0.97)

# custom_colors <- c("lambda_0.91" = "firebrick1", 
#                   "lambda_0.94" = "royalblue", 
#                   "lambda_0.97" = "springgreen4")

custom_colors <- c("lambda_0.91" = color_tenor1, 
                   "lambda_0.94" = color_tenor2, 
                   "lambda_0.97" = color_tenor4)

custom_alphas <- c("lambda_0.91" = 0.6, 
                   "lambda_0.94" = 0.8, 
                   "lambda_0.97" = 1.0)

jpm_ewma_plot <- plot_ewma_for_stock(jpm_data, "JPM", "daily.returns", lambda_list, 
                                custom_colors, custom_alphas, 0.080)
pg_ewma_plot <- plot_ewma_for_stock(pg_data, "PG", "daily.returns", lambda_list, 
                               custom_colors, custom_alphas, 0.0550)
nvda_ewma_plot <- plot_ewma_for_stock(nvda_data, "NVDA", "daily.returns", lambda_list, 
                                 custom_colors, custom_alphas, 0.070)





Fitting the parameters

# library(rugarch)
# Define the GARCH(1,1) specification outside the loop to avoid redundancy
spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
                   mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0), include.mean = TRUE),
                   distribution.model = "norm")

# Fit the GARCH(1,1) model for each stock symbol
garch_models <- all_returns_daily |> 
    group_by(symbol) |> 
    nest() |> 
    mutate(model = map(data, ~ ugarchfit(spec, data = .$daily.returns)))

# Manual extraction of coefficients
garch_coef_manual <- garch_models |> 
    mutate(coef = map(model, function(m) as.data.frame(t(coef(m))))) |> 
    select(symbol, coef) |> 

garch_coef_manual <- garch_coef_manual |> ungroup()
garch_coef_manual <- garch_coef_manual |> mutate(
    gamma = 1 - alpha1 - beta1,
    LR_vol = sqrt(omega / (1 - alpha1 - beta1))

garch_coef_manual |> select(-mu) |> 
    gt(rowname_col = "symbol") |> 
    fmt_scientific(columns = 2) |>
    fmt_number(columns = 3:6, decimals = 4) 
omega alpha1 beta1 gamma LR_vol
PG 1.06 × 10−5 0.1310 0.7744 0.0946 0.0106
JPM 9.31 × 10−6 0.0994 0.8659 0.0347 0.0164
NVDA 3.28 × 10−5 0.1006 0.8628 0.0366 0.0300

Plotting GARCH(1,1) volatility

# Function to calculate GARCH(1,1) variance
calculate_garch_variance <- function(returns, alpha, beta, gamma, W) {
    long_run_variance <- var(returns[1:W], na.rm = TRUE)
    omega <- gamma * long_run_variance
    garch_var <- rep(NA, length(returns))
    garch_var[W] <- var(returns[1:W])  # Initialize the first GARCH variance
    for (i in (W+1):length(returns)) {
        garch_var[i] <- omega + alpha * returns[i]^2 + beta * garch_var[i-1]

alpha <- 0.12; beta <- 0.78; gamma <- 1 - alpha - beta
alpha_mr <- 0.03; beta_mr <- 0.83; gamma_mr <- 1 - alpha_mr - beta_mr

# Calculate rolling GARCH(1,1) variance
all_returns_daily <- all_returns_daily |> 
  group_by(symbol) |> 
  mutate(garch_variance   = calculate_garch_variance(daily.returns, alpha, beta, 
                                                   gamma, W.daily),
         garch_variance_mr = calculate_garch_variance(daily.returns, alpha_mr, beta_mr,
                                                     gamma_mr, W.daily))  |> 

# Calculate the GARCH(1,1) standard deviation from the GARCH variance
all_returns_daily <- all_returns_daily |> 
    mutate(garch_sd = sqrt(garch_variance),
           garch_sd_mr = sqrt(garch_variance_mr))

all_returns_long <- all_returns_daily |> 
    pivot_longer(cols = c("garch_sd", "garch_sd_mr", "ewma_sd"), 
                 names_to = "sd_type", values_to = "sd_value")

custom_line_colors <- c("garch_sd" = color_tenor3, 
                        "garch_sd_mr" = color_tenor2, 
                        "ewma_sd" = color_tenor1)
custom_line_alphas <- c("garch_sd" = 1.0, 
                        "garch_sd_mr" = 1.0, 
                        "ewma_sd" = 0.8)

# Plot the data with ggplot2
garch_p1 <- ggplot(all_returns_long, aes(x = date, y = sd_value, color = sd_type)) +
  geom_line(aes(alpha = sd_type)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = custom_line_colors) +  # Set custom colors
    scale_alpha_manual(values = custom_line_alphas) +  # Set custom alphas
  labs(title = "GARCH(1,1) versus EMWA",
       subtitle = "The second GARCH,garch_sd_mr, has higher γ -> greater mean reversion (m.r.)",
       x = "Date",
       y = "Standard Deviation") +
    facet_wrap(~symbol) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.05)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")


None of the returns are nearly normal

plot_histogram_with_normal <- function(stock_data, symbol, return_col) {
    # Calculate mean and standard deviation of returns
    mean_return <- mean(stock_data[[return_col]], na.rm = TRUE)
    sd_return <- sd(stock_data[[return_col]], na.rm = TRUE)
    binwidth <- (max(stock_data[[return_col]], na.rm = TRUE) - 
                     min(stock_data[[return_col]], na.rm = TRUE)) / 120
    # print(binwidth) experimenting with binwidth
    # Create the histogram and overlay the normal distribution
    ggplot(stock_data, aes_string(x = return_col)) +
        geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = binwidth, 
                       color = "coral", fill = "khaki3", alpha = 0.6) +
        stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(mean = mean_return, sd = sd_return), 
                      color = "slateblue", size = 1) +
        labs(title = paste("Histogram of Returns with Normal Distribution for", symbol),
             x = "Returns",
             y = "Density") +
        theme_minimal() +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.1, 0.1))

jpm_hist_plot <- plot_histogram_with_normal(jpm_data, "JPM", "daily.returns")
pg_hist_plot <- plot_histogram_with_normal(pg_data, "PG", "daily.returns")
nvda_hist_plot <- plot_histogram_with_normal(nvda_data, "NVDA", "daily.returns")




Summarize the moments

# Function to calculate the summary statistics
calculate_stats <- function(data, return_col) {
    data |> 
            mean = mean({{ return_col }}, na.rm = TRUE),
            sd = sd({{ return_col }}, na.rm = TRUE),
            skew = skewness({{ return_col }}, na.rm = TRUE),
            kurt = kurtosis({{ return_col }}, na.rm = TRUE)

# Calculate statistics for each stock and store them in a tibble
stats_tibble <- tibble(
    stock = c("PG", "JPM", "NVDA"),
    stats = list(
        calculate_stats(pg_data, daily.returns),
        calculate_stats(jpm_data, daily.returns),
        calculate_stats(nvda_data, daily.returns)

# Unnest the stats column to expand the tibble
stats_tibble <- stats_tibble |> 

stats_tibble |> gt() |> 
    fmt_percent(columns = vars(mean, sd), decimals = 4) |>
    fmt_number(columns = vars(skew, kurt), decimals = 4) |> 
        columns = 4,
        domain = c(-0.2, 0.4),
        palette = c("lightpink", "seagreen1"),
        alpha = 0.5
    ) |> 
        columns = 5,
        domain = c(0, 15),
        palette = c("lightpink", "seagreen1"),
        alpha = 0.5
stock mean sd skew kurt
PG 0.0380% 1.1017% −0.0216 14.7342
JPM 0.0490% 1.7601% −0.0967 13.3437
NVDA 0.1509% 2.8227% 0.2871 10.6039

For fun (the social thumb)

nvda_roll_plot / garch_p1