Riskfolio-Lib is a python library for optimation

Description goes here

David Harper, CFA, FRM


May 22, 2024

Riskfolio-Lib is a python library for optimation

# conda_create("finedtech2_with_phtyon", packages = c("python=3.11", "pip"))
use_condaenv("finedtech2", required = TRUE)

# py_install("riskfolio-lib")
# py_install("numpy")
# py_install("pandas")
# py_install("matplotlib")
# py_install("yfinance")

# py_config()
# will cut this out after I make sure I grok the different YAML params
# ... many of which turned out to be unnecessary only AFTER I 
# upgraded Quarto to the prerelease version. So what I thought were
# YAML problems were maybe bugs
# prior v2
# jupyter: python3
# python:
# path: "D:/anaconda3/python.exe"

# initial YAML v1
# engines:
# r: default
# jupyter: python3
# format:
# html:
#    code-fold: true

# beg of new insert
# Ensure required libraries are installed
# import subprocess
# import sys
# def install(package):
#     subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])
# try:
#     import riskfolio
# except ImportError:
#     install("riskfolio-lib")
#     import riskfolio
# end of new insert

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import riskfolio as rp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yfinance as yf
import warnings

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.4%}'.format

# Date range
start = '2021-03-31'
end =   '2024-05-10'

# Tickers of assets

assets = ['TMHC', 'LEN', 'ESTC', 'DHI', 'INVH', 
          'GOOGL', 'COUR', 'DT', 'META', 'DDOG', 
          'HASI', 'AMH', 'DBX', 'ZUO', 'BLK',
          'DELL', 'TJX', 'O', 'STAG', 'ENB']


# Downloading data
data = yf.download(assets, start = start, end = end)

[                       0%%                      ]
[*****                 10%%                      ]  2 of 20 completed
[*******               15%%                      ]  3 of 20 completed
[**********            20%%                      ]  4 of 20 completed
[************          25%%                      ]  5 of 20 completed
[**************        30%%                      ]  6 of 20 completed
[*****************     35%%                      ]  7 of 20 completed
[*******************   40%%                      ]  8 of 20 completed
[**********************45%%                      ]  9 of 20 completed
[**********************50%%                      ]  10 of 20 completed
[**********************55%%                      ]  11 of 20 completed
[**********************60%%***                   ]  12 of 20 completed
[**********************65%%*****                 ]  13 of 20 completed
[**********************70%%********              ]  14 of 20 completed
[**********************75%%**********            ]  15 of 20 completed
[**********************80%%************          ]  16 of 20 completed
[**********************85%%***************       ]  17 of 20 completed
[**********************90%%*****************     ]  18 of 20 completed
[**********************95%%********************  ]  19 of 20 completed
[*********************100%%**********************]  20 of 20 completed
data = data.loc[:,('Adj Close', slice(None))]
data.columns = assets

Y = data[assets].pct_change().dropna()

                AMH      BLK     COUR  ...      TJX     TMHC      ZUO
Date                                   ...                           
2021-04-01  2.6695%  1.7070%  1.7333%  ... -0.2570%  2.7913%  1.2838%
2021-04-05 -1.3147%  2.2417%  8.3661%  ...  2.6978%  2.5576%  0.0000%
2021-04-06  1.6578% -0.2946% 13.3441%  ... -0.1771% -0.7697%  2.2682%
2021-04-07 -0.4077%  0.8046%  3.1478%  ...  0.2070% -2.3891% -1.9569%
2021-04-08  0.0000%  1.5990% -3.4483%  ...  1.8442% -2.7336% 12.4418%

[5 rows x 20 columns]

average_returns = Y.mean()
volatilities = Y.std()
cov_matrix = Y.cov()

print("Average Returns:\n", average_returns)
Average Returns:
 AMH      0.0297%
BLK      0.0301%
COUR    -0.1420%
DBX      0.0046%
DDOG     0.1143%
DELL     0.1776%
DHI      0.0939%
DT       0.0328%
ENB      0.0345%
ESTC     0.0653%
GOOGL    0.0838%
HASI     0.0057%
INVH     0.0337%
LEN      0.0881%
META     0.1078%
O        0.0115%
STAG     0.0354%
TJX      0.0696%
TMHC     0.1139%
ZUO      0.0100%
dtype: float64
print("Volatilities:\n", volatilities)
 AMH     1.4660%
BLK     1.7092%
COUR    3.5182%
DBX     2.0984%
DDOG    3.8260%
DELL    2.5601%
DHI     2.1771%
DT      2.7356%
ENB     1.2504%
ESTC    3.8681%
GOOGL   1.9961%
HASI    3.3490%
INVH    1.5113%
LEN     2.1445%
META    3.0246%
O       1.2524%
STAG    1.5397%
TJX     1.5504%
TMHC    2.4480%
ZUO     3.2840%
dtype: float64
print("Covariance Matrix:\n", cov_matrix)
Covariance Matrix:
           AMH     BLK    COUR     DBX  ...    STAG     TJX    TMHC     ZUO
AMH   0.0215% 0.0124% 0.0143% 0.0105%  ... 0.0158% 0.0078% 0.0158% 0.0169%
BLK   0.0124% 0.0292% 0.0207% 0.0166%  ... 0.0152% 0.0138% 0.0228% 0.0267%
COUR  0.0143% 0.0207% 0.1238% 0.0280%  ... 0.0146% 0.0150% 0.0258% 0.0492%
DBX   0.0105% 0.0166% 0.0280% 0.0440%  ... 0.0108% 0.0112% 0.0210% 0.0351%
DDOG  0.0193% 0.0275% 0.0568% 0.0378%  ... 0.0188% 0.0185% 0.0342% 0.0699%
DELL  0.0093% 0.0175% 0.0141% 0.0147%  ... 0.0111% 0.0108% 0.0232% 0.0222%
DHI   0.0143% 0.0204% 0.0226% 0.0187%  ... 0.0164% 0.0154% 0.0454% 0.0274%
DT    0.0138% 0.0222% 0.0413% 0.0325%  ... 0.0138% 0.0162% 0.0243% 0.0525%
ENB   0.0072% 0.0106% 0.0073% 0.0066%  ... 0.0079% 0.0063% 0.0107% 0.0109%
ESTC  0.0204% 0.0274% 0.0639% 0.0415%  ... 0.0199% 0.0192% 0.0315% 0.0685%
GOOGL 0.0106% 0.0179% 0.0253% 0.0206%  ... 0.0119% 0.0112% 0.0218% 0.0282%
HASI  0.0205% 0.0237% 0.0350% 0.0213%  ... 0.0220% 0.0142% 0.0305% 0.0419%
INVH  0.0197% 0.0132% 0.0143% 0.0100%  ... 0.0162% 0.0082% 0.0163% 0.0173%
LEN   0.0145% 0.0204% 0.0234% 0.0185%  ... 0.0168% 0.0154% 0.0444% 0.0285%
META  0.0140% 0.0222% 0.0359% 0.0264%  ... 0.0151% 0.0152% 0.0296% 0.0362%
O     0.0116% 0.0098% 0.0090% 0.0065%  ... 0.0129% 0.0061% 0.0127% 0.0114%
STAG  0.0158% 0.0152% 0.0146% 0.0108%  ... 0.0237% 0.0086% 0.0190% 0.0184%
TJX   0.0078% 0.0138% 0.0150% 0.0112%  ... 0.0086% 0.0240% 0.0167% 0.0168%
TMHC  0.0158% 0.0228% 0.0258% 0.0210%  ... 0.0190% 0.0167% 0.0599% 0.0300%
ZUO   0.0169% 0.0267% 0.0492% 0.0351%  ... 0.0184% 0.0168% 0.0300% 0.1078%

[20 rows x 20 columns]
# Building the portfolio object
port = rp.Portfolio(returns=Y)

# Calculating optimal portfolio

# Select method and estimate input parameters:

method_mu='hist' # Method to estimate expected returns based on historical data.
method_cov='hist' # Method to estimate covariance matrix based on historical data.

# port.assets_stats(method_mu=method_mu, method_cov=method_cov, d=0.94)
port.assets_stats(method_mu=method_mu, method_cov=method_cov)

# Estimate optimal portfolio:

model='Classic' # Could be Classic (historical), BL (Black Litterman) or FM (Factor Model)
rm = 'MV' # Risk measure used, this time will be variance
obj = 'Sharpe' # Objective function, could be MinRisk, MaxRet, Utility or Sharpe
hist = True # Use historical scenarios for risk measures that depend on scenarios
rf = 0 # Risk free rate
l = 0 # Risk aversion factor, only useful when obj is 'Utility'

w = port.optimization(model=model, rm=rm, obj=obj, rf=rf, l=l, hist=hist)

AMH    0.0000%
BLK    0.0000%
COUR   0.0000%
DBX    0.0000%
DDOG   0.6043%
DELL  47.9515%
DHI    0.0000%
DT     0.0000%
ENB    0.0000%
ESTC   0.0000%
GOOGL 11.1558%
HASI   0.0000%
INVH   0.0000%
LEN    0.0000%
META   1.3875%
O      0.0000%
STAG   0.0000%
TJX   28.5279%
TMHC  10.3729%
ZUO    0.0000%
# Plotting the composition of the portfolio
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = rp.plot_pie(w=w, title='Sharpe Mean Variance', others=0.05, 
nrow=25, cmap = "tab20", height=3, width=5, ax=None)

points = 50 # Number of points of the frontier
frontier = port.efficient_frontier(model=model, rm=rm, points=points, rf=rf, hist=hist)
            0        1        2        3   ...       46       47       48        49
AMH    5.0343%  4.8209%  4.3502%  3.9823%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
BLK    0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
COUR   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
DBX    4.1010%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
DDOG   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  1.6982%  1.3297%  0.9711%   0.0000%
DELL   1.3745%  9.7606% 13.4683% 16.3418%  ... 94.0017% 96.0515% 98.0500% 100.0000%
DHI    0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
DT     0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
ENB   34.9365% 31.9075% 30.3226% 29.0943%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
ESTC   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
GOOGL  4.2815%  8.1264%  9.1584%  9.9584%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
HASI   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
INVH   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
LEN    0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
META   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
O     33.2404% 23.7638% 19.3733% 15.9726%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
STAG   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
TJX   17.0317% 21.6207% 23.3272% 24.6505%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%
TMHC   0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  4.3001%  2.6189%  0.9790%   0.0000%
ZUO    0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%  ...  0.0000%  0.0000%  0.0000%   0.0000%

[20 rows x 50 columns]

# Plotting the efficient frontier

label = 'Max Risk Adjusted Return Portfolio' # Title of point
mu = port.mu # Expected returns
cov = port.cov # Covariance matrix
returns = port.returns # Returns of the assets
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = rp.plot_frontier(w_frontier=frontier, mu=mu, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm,
                      rf=rf, alpha=0.05, cmap='viridis', w=w, label=label,
                      marker='*', s=16, c='r', height=3, width=5, ax=None)

Now we switch to R so we can use ggplot2 (quick version, not fancy)


frontier_r <- py$frontier # frontier_r is a dataframe: 20obs * 50vars
average_returns_r <- py$average_returns # vector length = 20
volatilities_r <- py$volatilities # vector length = 20
cov_matrix_r <- py$cov_matrix # dataframe: 20r * 20c matrix

frontier_matrix <- as.matrix(frontier_r) # 20r * 50c matrix
average_returns_matrix <- matrix(average_returns_r, nrow = 1) # 1r * 20c matrix 

# Below is (1r * 20c) * (20r * 50c) = 1r * 50c matrix
expected_returns <-  average_returns_matrix %*% frontier_matrix 

# Convert cov_matrix_r to a matrix if it's not already
cov_matrix <- as.matrix(cov_matrix_r)

# Calculate the risk (standard deviation) for each portfolio
portfolio_risks <- apply(frontier_matrix, 2, function(weights) {
  sqrt(t(weights) %*% cov_matrix %*% weights)

# Since expected_returns is a 1*50 matrix, convert it to a vector to match the length of portfolio_risks
expected_returns_vector <- as.vector(expected_returns)

# Create a data frame for plotting
frontier_data <- data.frame(Risk = portfolio_risks, Return = expected_returns_vector)

# Plot the efficient frontier using ggplot2
efficient_frontier_plot <- ggplot(frontier_data, aes(x = Risk, y = Return)) +
  geom_line(color = "seagreen", size = 1) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = "Risk (Standard Deviation)", 
       y = "Expected Return", title = "Efficient Frontier (but DAILY)") +
  geom_point(color = "aquamarine", size = 2)  # Highlight each portfolio point

# Print the plot