Indifference Curves vs Portfolio Possibilities Curve (PPC)

Each indifference curve represents a different level of utility for an investo’s given risk aversion coefficient

David Harper, CFA, FRM


June 6, 2024

This plot illustrates two indifference curves and their relationship to the portfolio possibilities curve (PPC, aka efficient frontier w.r.t to the upper segment of the BLUE line). The PPC represents the set of all possible portfolios that can be constructed from two risky assets. It’s fairly trivial to plot the PPC.

Please note: there is no capital market line (CML) plottered here. The CML would be anchored by the riskfree rate, but the riskfree rate is not assumed in this model. Instead, indifference curves are plotted.

The utility function is given by U = E(r_p) - 0.5 * A * σ_p^2, where U is the utility, E(r_p) is the expected return of the portfolio, σ_p is the standard deviation of the portfolio, and A is the risk aversion coefficient. The indifference curves represent the combinations of expected return and standard deviation that provide the same level of utility for an investor with a GIVEN risk aversion coefficient, A.The indifference curves are plotted for two different risk aversion coefficients. I showed dashed lines to illustrate choices that would be sub-optimal; e.g., the dashed orange line is sub-optimal to the solid orange line. The orange utility curve reflects a higher risk aversion coefficient than the green utility curve. The tangency points are the points on the PPC that are tangent to the indifference curves.

# Load necessary libraries

# Initialize parameters
initialize_params <- function() {
        E_r1 = 0.12,  # Expected return of asset 1
        E_r2 = 0.08,  # Expected return of asset 2
        σ1 = 0.20,    # Standard deviation of asset 1
        σ2 = 0.15,    # Standard deviation of asset 2
        ρ = 0.1       # Correlation between assets

# Calculate portfolio returns and standard deviations
calculate_portfolio_metrics <- function(weights, params) {
    portfolio_returns <- weights * params$E_r1 + (1 - weights) * params$E_r2
    portfolio_std_devs <- sqrt(weights^2 * params$σ1^2 + (1 - weights)^2 * params$σ2^2 + 
                                   2 * weights * (1 - weights) * params$σ1 * params$σ2 * params$ρ)
    list(returns = portfolio_returns, std_devs = portfolio_std_devs)

# Find the weights that maximize utility for given risk aversion coefficient
find_tangency_weights <- function(params, A) {
    utility_function <- function(w) {
        E_r_p <- w * params$E_r1 + (1 - w) * params$E_r2
        σ_p <- sqrt(w^2 * params$σ1^2 + (1 - w)^2 * params$σ2^2 + 
                        2 * w * (1 - w) * params$σ1 * params$σ2 * params$ρ)
        U <- E_r_p - 0.5 * A * σ_p^2
        return(-U)  # Minimize negative utility to maximize utility
    optimal <- optimize(utility_function, c(0, 1))

# Create indifference curve data
create_indifference_curve <- function(U, A, max_std_dev) {
    σ <- seq(0, max_std_dev, by = 0.01)
    E_r <- U + 0.5 * A * σ^2
    data.frame= σ, E_r = E_r)

# Main plotting function
plot_portfolio <- function(portfolio_metrics, tangency_points, subtitle_text) {
    p <- ggplot() +
        geom_point(aes(x = portfolio_metrics$std_devs, y = portfolio_metrics$returns), color = 'blue', size = 1) +
        geom_path(aes(x = portfolio_metrics$std_devs, y = portfolio_metrics$returns), color = 'blue4', size = 2) +
        labs(title = "Portfolio Possibilities Curve with Indifference Curves",
             subtitle = subtitle_text,
             x = "Portfolio Standard Deviation",
             y = "Expected Portfolio Return") +
        xlim(0.12, max(portfolio_metrics$std_devs) * 1.05) +
        ylim(0.075, max(portfolio_metrics$returns) * 1.1) +
    for (param in tangency_points) {
        indifference_curve <- create_indifference_curve(param$U, param$A, max(portfolio_metrics$std_devs))
        p <- p + geom_line(data = indifference_curve, aes(x = σ, y = E_r), color = param$color, linetype = param$linetype, size = 1, show.legend = FALSE)

# Run the code
params <- initialize_params()
weights <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
portfolio_metrics <- calculate_portfolio_metrics(weights, params)

# Find tangency points
A_low <- 1.2
A_high <- 2.9
optimal_weight_low <- find_tangency_weights(params, A_low)
optimal_weight_high <- find_tangency_weights(params, A_high)

# Calculate the utility values at the tangency points
tangency_return_low <- optimal_weight_low * params$E_r1 + (1 - optimal_weight_low) * params$E_r2
tangency_std_dev_low <- sqrt(optimal_weight_low^2 * params$σ1^2 + (1 - optimal_weight_low)^2 * params$σ2^2 + 2 * optimal_weight_low * (1 - optimal_weight_low) * params$σ1 * params$σ2 * params$ρ)
U_low <- tangency_return_low - 0.5 * A_low * tangency_std_dev_low^2

tangency_return_high <- optimal_weight_high * params$E_r1 + (1 - optimal_weight_high) * params$E_r2
tangency_std_dev_high <- sqrt(optimal_weight_high^2 * params$σ1^2 + (1 - optimal_weight_high)^2 * params$σ2^2 + 2 * optimal_weight_high * (1 - optimal_weight_high) * params$σ1 * params$σ2 * params$ρ)
U_high <- tangency_return_high - 0.5 * A_high * tangency_std_dev_high^2

# Define indifference curve parameters for plotting
tangency_points <- list(
    list(U = U_low, A = A_low, color = "green4", linetype = "solid"),
    list(U = U_high, A = A_high, color = "darkorange2", linetype = "solid"),
    list(U = U_low - 0.002, A = A_low, color = "green4", linetype = "dashed"),
    list(U = U_high - 0.002, A = A_high, color = "darkorange2", linetype = "dashed")

# Create subtitle text
subtitle_text <- sprintf("U_low: %.3f, A_low: %.1f, U_high: %.3f, A_high: %.1f", U_low, A_low, U_high, A_high)

plot_portfolio(portfolio_metrics, tangency_points, subtitle_text)

[1] 0.9351032
[1] 0.1174041
[1] 0.1882434
[1] 0.5892585
[1] 0.1035703
[1] 0.1383371